Monday, 5 December 2011

Pretty Lights

Currently in a Maya lecture, on a break. We just got set a new task to animate Dracula over the beginning of January, and then we will add lip syncing and backdrops etc. Right now we have been learning about basic colour and lighting. Here's just some lights I have messed with during the lecture.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Train Drawing

Was on a train, thought i would draw people. I loved it, they didn't.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Muscles Morphy

I was away at a funeral for three days this week, and so I didn't complete this for yesterdays hand in date, but its done now, though I cant upload it to my lecturer as I need the animation studio to package it small enough to upload onto the learning space. Still i have done it and I think it turned out nicely.
We basically had to used a Morphy rig (an altered version of the model we used last week) and make him push a box. Simpler than last week, but we got to use IKFK hands which was cool.
I playblasted it from two angles for you. Enjoy: