Friday, 30 September 2011

More of the Toy Story Assignment

So I have done another couple of drawings, though I can only post one at this current point in time due to the fact that my camera is broken and my roomate Aaron isnt home yet to let me use his. Still this is my monkey with my Ukulele.
I drew a ver quick line drawing in pencil and then went over the lines with a black marker pen. next I used the Animation departments scanner (which is damn good) to put it on the computer, and Then I used curves in photoshop to get rid of any pencil lines, and then got rid of the white. next I live traced it in Illustrator, which converts it into vector format, meaning I can enlarge it as much as I want without the risk of Pixilation. from here on it was photoshop all the way, filling in colour on a layer below the lines and then using a combination of the burn and dodge tools to lighten or darken areas and create shading. I am quite pleased with the end product and am glad I found the right brown for my Uke.
while I'm on the topic, I also learnt a new song on the Uke today :]

Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Toy Story drawing project begins

No lectures today which made it feel a bit empty. Still this meant I got my first real lie-in at University. Got 2 drawings done for the Toy Story sketchbook assignment this week. One was pencil and took a while, and the other was a quick charcoal one, which I think would have been better if I had worked bigger.

I drew my stuffed toy, which is a small monkey. The aim of the assignment is to draw a toy in different settings, so I chose two different poses, also changing the objects with or around them. The first has a sonic screwdriver in its hand and is lying on my keyboard. The other is sitting on top of one of my sombereros. I don't often work in charcoal, and when I do its usually a charcoal reduction, so this could do with some work, but I would like to try more charcoal work, because it is very quick to draw with.
Also today I finally found time to finish the game Portal 2 from Valve, which I thought was supurb, some of the cutscenes blew me away with their animation and the storyline was brilliant. I have yet to see what the co-op mode is like but im hoping for more stunning visuals.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Circle Animation

Okay, so I have gone and finished the short post-card animation i was assigned, and i think it has come out really well. I may go back and add colour, though I am not yet sure. Can't wait to see everyone elses animations. Enjoy! :]

First Day

So, 3 days into my induction week at Uni, and things are starting to get rolling.
 Today we were taught how to make a Blog (voila, let me know what you think once I have some more posts up) and got taught all about how to use the learning space and about our university email addresses.
 Yesterday we had to draw the people we were sitting next to, as an ice breaker of sorts, which was fun, and I got to draw Ben, who im fast becoming good friends with, though I could have done with some more time to correct the hair in my drawing.
We also got shown how to use a line tester and were given 12 blank post-card sized bits of card. The first card was a simple plain circle, and we had to slowly over the course of the 12 frames change the circle into another shape. Then we will use the line tester to take photos of each frame, and then reverse the frames.
 So mine is a circle turning into an eye and then closing. So hopefully if things go to plan mine shall morph from a circle into an eye and then blink and morph back to a circle. All in all this should produce a second or two of animation. I have finished drawing my frames in pencil with some biro two, and I shall stitch it into an animtaion later today. Once it is complete I shall have a go at uploading it onto here so you may all view it.
We also got assigned a project for next wednesday to do roughly twenty drawings of toys. The project title is Toy Story, and we need to get a toy and draw it indifferent settings. I have gathered my Sonic Screwdriver and my monkey teddy and will be beginning the first drawing shortly after I have  written this post. Then I shall read something we were assigned for animation history which should be intersting. So sorry about the length of this first post, but I shall shorten them in future by having regular posts.