Friday, 30 September 2011

More of the Toy Story Assignment

So I have done another couple of drawings, though I can only post one at this current point in time due to the fact that my camera is broken and my roomate Aaron isnt home yet to let me use his. Still this is my monkey with my Ukulele.
I drew a ver quick line drawing in pencil and then went over the lines with a black marker pen. next I used the Animation departments scanner (which is damn good) to put it on the computer, and Then I used curves in photoshop to get rid of any pencil lines, and then got rid of the white. next I live traced it in Illustrator, which converts it into vector format, meaning I can enlarge it as much as I want without the risk of Pixilation. from here on it was photoshop all the way, filling in colour on a layer below the lines and then using a combination of the burn and dodge tools to lighten or darken areas and create shading. I am quite pleased with the end product and am glad I found the right brown for my Uke.
while I'm on the topic, I also learnt a new song on the Uke today :]

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