Saturday, 1 October 2011

Oops a lil bit late

I may have been out a bit late at the pscho disco last night, so I never got to post the second drwing I did yesterday. I wasn't going to post it until i had done my graphics tablet drawing today, but the nib of the tablets pen is malfunctioning so i need to take it out and let it rest for an hour or two, so in the mean time im posting you yesterdays drawing. Here it is :] 

Its just a quick pencil sketch but I enjoyed it alot. It reminds me of a pose that a life drawing model we used to had did. It was just sitting on the bed, so no extravagent background, but the bed sheets are fun to draw.
This next photo is the one I am going to be doing my graphics tablet drawing of. I took it out of the kitchen window, and dropped the monkey out of it a few seconds later by accident. I think the background will take a while but it should be good :]

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