Monday, 14 November 2011

And More from BAF

Okay so my last post was just about the winner of various award and the animations I loved from the categories, If you haven't looked at it yet, its stuffed full o links for you to look at :] I thought I would talk about some of the highlights of the week, though just because I haven't mentioned it doesn't mean it was bad, I just may not have my notes on it right now.
This is where the festival was held:

One cool thing, is we got to watch Studio Ghibli's new film, Arietty on the big screen. Its an Anime adaptation of the Borrowers, and it was rather good, especially the beautiful hand painted backdrops.

My favourite talk was defiantly the one given by Andy Schmitt from Pixar. he spoke the the Pixar Pipeline (the order in which the animation is put together) and the way they make films, showing loads of examples from their latest film, Cars 2. Although I haven't seen Cars 2 This was really inter sting, and it showed how the film was developed, where the researched for it, what inspired them, etc. This was a really inspiring talk, and he spoke all about the atmosphere at Pixar andall the different areas that go into a film, and then there was a brief Q & A. I'm sorry to say that he said nothing of an Incredibles 2, but we can keep hoping people....

There was also a very interesting talk on 3D scanning, which was more aimed at the Gaming area, but obviously, that involves Animation. The speaker (who's name eludes me) was from a company called Ten24, and he talked about the different kinds of 3D scanner and showed us an example of one, talking about the pros and cons of using them. we even got a glimpse of 4D scanning which is effectively video scanning which was truly amazing.

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