Sunday, 5 February 2012

A Showreel and Some Pretty Lights.

So, this week I managed to build my show-reel of animations so far to hand in to Georg, though that was earlier this week, just took a while to post it, due to that horrible pain: The Essay. Still, I think its going alright, though the library books I'm using for research are annoyingly hard to decipher, why do they have to write in such a complex cryptic way? Still, it looks like I shall manage it. I'm looking at Stereotyping and Representation (Making reference to critical texts, their authors and theories, and using examples - discuss the issues relating to representation and stereotypes. Consider the aspects of representation and
stereotypes that are specific to animation and explore this concept in relation to a recent
animated film or body of films.) in Disney films. I'd be lying if i said it was fun, but it is a little interesting and rather necessary.
So, show-reel:

The other thing I thought I would throw out there is this lovely piece on lighting, courtesy of course-mate Yasmin (Her blog: And her old blog [thought I'd put it up just in case] Its some basic but useful lighting tips from a guy who heard a talk by a guy from Dreamworks, and I thought it was good.
Have a look if you wish.

Finally, after the realisation that I'm really bad at the whole draw an hour a day thing, I made a new album on facebook on Wednesday, determined to upload a drawing a day, and although its a little late, it appears that the accountability is working, and I have all 4 days so far uploaded. Its easy enough to find, but in case you cant, here is a link . If you don't know me I'm afraid you may not be able to see it, and I apologise, but maybe at the end of the year I'll post it all on here.

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